Trayan Iliev
Trayan Iliev (https://www.linkedin.com/in/trayaniliev/) is developer of end-to-end reactive full-stack applications and services using ES, TypeScript, Angular, React and Vue.js clients, and Spring, Java EE, Reactor, Kafka, Golang, Flask, and Express back-ends. He has 15+ years of software development experience and 12+ years experience as enterprise IT trainer. Trayan is CTO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies – training and consultancy company, focused on novelties in front-end and REST/gRPC/GraphQL backend development – reactive UI, end-to-end reactive programming, distributed event stream processing, distributed machine learning, and real-time micro-service architectures. Trayan has presentations on local developer conferences such as Java2Days, Voxxed Days, jPrime, jProfessionals, BGOUG, on topics like Spring 5, Reactor, SOA & REST, Kafka, Pulsar, Java EE, React, Angular, Ionic, Express.js, RxJS, reactive robotics and IoT. He is robotics/smart-things/ IoT enthusiast and organizes RoboLearn hackathons in Sofia.
Making Machine Learning Easy with H2O and Spring
Machine learning is becoming a must for many business domains and applications. H2O is a best-of-breed, open source, distributed machine learning library written in Java. The presentation shows how to create and train different type of supervised and unsupervised machine learning models easily using H2O Flow web interface – including Deep Learning Neural Networks, Automatic Machine Learning AutoML), Distributed Random Forest (DRF), Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), XGBoost, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Generalized Low Rank Models (GLRM), Word2Vec among the many. The session finishes with a demo showing how to incorporate some of the trained models in a real-time streaming web service implemented using Spring 5 Web Flux and Spring Boot.